Categorized as Animated Explainer Video, Video Marketing

Ecommerce Product Videos: The Definitive Guide

by Andre Oentoro Originally published   ·  Updated 

The worst part of consumers’ online shopping experience is not getting a real-life experience. For this reason, 81% of consumers research carefully before making a purchase which indicates online retailers need to bring them as close to the product as possible.

Here, ecommerce product videos can play a vital role in solving these issues by fulfilling customers’ demands.

Curious to know how to create a stunning, engaging, and informative one to boost your business? 

Let’s get started with the definition!

What Is a Product Video? 

A product video is a demonstrative visual tour highlighting a product’s looks, features, and benefits on different social media platforms, online spaces, etc. 

In short, it is considered a product’s marketing video to educate about services or a way to convince consumers to buy, which increases product awareness and sales revenue.

The purpose of product video marketing lies in,

  • increasing conversion rates by giving consumers a physical store experience,
  • generating high revenues ensuring average order value (AOV),
  • attracting new customers by offering product-oriented content that answers their queries.

Want to explore the magic of video marketing in the ecommerce marketplace?

But before heading to the main point, let’s identify the importance of product videos!

Why Use Product Videos for Ecommerce? 

Picture this: You’re searching for a wireless Bluetooth headphone and find your perfect match but from an unknown brand. Besides looking up reviews, what about experiencing product infographic design with videos like Amazon offers?

Of course, you experience a better sense of product features and quality via this ecommerce product photo showcasing technique. Isn’t it?

Let’s dig deeper to find out the popularity of product videos!

1. To Build Brand Authenticity 

Sometimes, high-resolution product photos are not enough to meet the online shopper’s expectations like electronics accessories, headphones, home appliances, etc.

These products require every detail before purchasing. With product videos, you can eliminate their doubt by showcasing every detail. Also, people realize that you have an authoritative brand and are not deceitful.

Remember, sale-oriented interaction with your audience can establish brand sentiment and stand out from the crowd. 

2. Videos boost SEO and Store Ranking 

Google loves product videos for ecommerce because it provide rich and informative content that improves the page’s SEO rankings and better brand recall.

Also, if you post your product videos on social media platforms or others like YouTube, TikTok, etc., you can create backlinks to your site that help to reach new audiences.

For this reason, it is the most effective and easiest way to rank the first page on Google.

3. To Engage Users for Longer 

The main advantage of product videos for ecommerce is providing precise, consistent product details, instilling emotion, and eliciting action. 

You can build a strong relationship between physical and virtual shopping with high-quality, feature-rich, and customer-oriented videos, ensuring long-lasting buyer-consumers bonding. 

As per statistics, the average viewers retain 95% of the message after watching a video compared to reading (10%).  

4. Videos Provide Customers With Necessary Information 

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, then how much is a video worth?

The answer lies in the popularity of product videos. With simple, visually appealing, and engaging video content, you can solve your customer’s daily life problems and can answer all their queries within a short time. 

Also, it helps ensure the customer gets the right thing before hitting the buy button.

5. Increase the Number of Clicks and Shares

In Google, video is the second most popular thing for increasing engagement. Also, customers love to share videos rather than text content or an image, which ensures more clicks and sales.

For this reason, most companies rely on product videos for ecommerce businesses. Especially, if you sell services on WordPress, be sure to explain your services in videos as the customers will definitely turn to your website to find out about the services before they even try looking for you in physical locations.

Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc., focus on video because we humans perceive visual information better than text.

6. Help With Other Marketing Strategies 

Adding videos to a product page can increase sales and conversions. But some product videos have limitations to use outside of product pages like ASOS, Home Depot, etc. 

So, to boost digital marketing strategies, you can use social media platforms because these sites are video-centric and used to connect with ecommerce consumers. 

Remember, before making a video, make sure it would add value to your business.

7. To Improve Average Order Value 

The survey shows that 73% of visitors rely on product videos before purchasing because these videos show off how different products work together to improve average order value (AOV).

For example, a model showing off a sunglass product might also wear a stylish watch. 

Here, the focusing point is sunglasses, but the buyer now predicts that the store might sell them and encourage them to search for other product categories.

8. Easier to Approach Your Products Better 

Globally, people aged 18 to 49 watch mobile YouTube more than TV because of its effectiveness. 

Also, within a short time, product videos can answer all customer queries and explain why they should rely on you over other competitors.

Business owners to entrepreneurs prioritize offering valuable and engaging information about their brand or products that reward them with a long-term relationship.

Are you curious about building your product video to boost your online business?

Let’s look at different video types to get the idea!

What are the Different Types of Ecommerce Product Video? 

Customers in the buying cycle demand different types of information and product attribution that help them commit to a purchase.

Want to create something out-of-the-box to eliminate consumers’ sufferings at a glance? Check out below:

1. Product highlights video 

New Salted Caramel Sips from Dunkin’

These videos are considered the best ecommerce product demo videos for representing simple & informative ways. You can shoot these videos using minimal equipment.

Aim: No storytelling; show the customer your product specialty from all angles to give them confidence when they click “Add to Cart.”

Video Length: 15 to 30 seconds

2. Explainer videos 

Get to market faster | Digital HQ for Marketing | Slack

When you want to serve as the cornerstone of your website or introduce a new brand, ecommerce product explainer videos can make value.

Aim: Telling the story of your product or brand compellingly or entertainingly.

Video Length: 2 minutes or less 

3. Lifestyle videos 

Introducing Titan Smart

Want to make your product hyper-relevant to your target marketplace? Fashion product videos for ecommerce can help you achieve your goal; these videos provide the ultimate opportunity to capture a moment or feeling.

Aim: Building brands’ trust and loyalty to their audiences by showing real people’s experiences.

Video length: Around 2 minutes (depends on the product’s feature)

4. Inflatable Boat – Unboxing

iPhone 12 Pro Max Unboxing

Unboxing videos showcase both visual components of your offering and product features. You can explore a live-action tabletop approach or stop motion technique for showing the packaging, wrapping, and unboxing process.

Aim: Revealing what your customer will receive from the packaging they order or buy.

Video length: Around 5 minutes but no more than ten minutes.

5. Comparison videos 

Apple Watch Series 7 vs Galaxy Watch 4

These videos are famous for highlighting side-by-side comparisons, including features, specifications, and benefits of two or more same-category products. For this reason, comparison videos are well known for accessories, consumer electronics, beauty, gadgets, sporting goods, etc.

Aim: Help consumers to eliminate confusion about what to buy or not. 

Video length: Around 8 to 10 minutes (depends on product features)

6. Brand story videos 

The Origins of Nike Free

You can build credibility and loyalty by demonstrating company values, what sets you apart from the competition, and how you solve your customer’s problems with a focus on specific products and how-tos. For this reason, brand story videos are known as the best ecommerce product videos. 

Aim: To give potential clients and consumers a look at your brand’s overarching story, including who you are, your business’s unique value, why you do it, and what you do. 

Video length: Between 1-2 minutes (depends on the brand storyline)

8 Ways to Create Product Videos for Ecommerce

Want to build trust and confidence among your consumers through ecommerce-oriented or trendy product video marketing? You can shine your products with a professional look and the best representation.

Without further ado, let’s explore tips and tricks for creating product videos below:

1. Preparations 

Every business’s success lies in proper planning and strategy. The same applies to ecommerce video marketing strategy.  

First, you need to demonstrate which types of videos you want to create.

Then make sure what you should include in your product videos like features, benefits, how the product works, full-views or close-ups, etc.

Also, pay attention to getting the necessary equipment depending on the type of video.

2. Camera 

Do you want to shoot a makeup product video like bloggers? You can use high-quality smartphone cameras. But to shoot close-up videos, you can use DSLR cameras or others that match your product’s demands.

That means the camera selection plays a vital role when you want to reassure your consumers. So, pick one that evokes shoppers to buy your products at a glance.

3. Tripod

In the ecommerce marketplace, the most demanding thing is to represent fine-tuned product photos with high-quality videos—for example, Air Purifier Filter. Here, you must highlight every feature that gives shoppers a realistic vibe. 

But when you operate the camera on a handheld, it may give you clutter moments. So, to get a sleeker, shakiness-free, and cinematic aesthetic shot, you can use a professional video tripod. 

4. Lighting 

Lighting and angles are the most challenging things you face in recording an ecommerce product video. If you want your product to stand out, you can experiment with two or three types of lighting: 

  • Direct light, 
  • Light from the side of your product, and
  • From the above. 

But the natural light source is the best option. Also, use a plain or white background to give a professional outfit that builds trust as a loyal seller.

Note: Don’t use colored lights or flares because they eliminate the natural appearance of your products. 

5. Choosing the effective video format

Depending on your product and the message you want to express among your consumers, you may choose one or several video formats like,

Product Close-ups

These videos are ideal for product pages because you can show detailed and visually appealing items. If you aim to represent the product’s aesthetic to make a sale, you can try a 360-degree close-up view.

So, before that, ask yourself, what are your customers examining when shopping in-store?


Do you want to show off complex and practical items explaining how it works? Then, you can highlight the item’s unique features, benefits, and multiple uses so buyers can understand your product’s value. 

These videos are great for product pages, blogs, and social channels for creative and valuable content.

Product Demos

The most popular marketing videos are because it shows the basics of how a product works and benefits both in an entertaining and informative way. A potential customer can experience the product without touching it with these videos.

For this reason, product demos work best for homepages and product pages.

6. Making a strategy

Good planning is a crucial thing to minimize costs and maximize profits. 

So, before planning a video strategy for your ecommerce product, it is wise to ask yourself some questions like: 

  • What is your targeted market and audience?
  • How does it boost the lives of your consumers and clients?
  • Where will the video be launched & Do you need content in multiple languages?
  • What action should they take after watching it?
  • What problem does your product solve?

You can offer great product-oriented videos with a clear perspective on converting buyers’ anxiety into confidence. Also, you get a clear idea of video length, style, and content.

7. Writing a script

Plan out shots & informative. So, before creating a script or storyboard, focus on highlighting the product’s most impressive benefits, including:

  • Key features
  • Common FAQs
  • Product variation details
  • Your unique but effective selling point.

Suppose you get a compelling brand story to boost their business; your goal is to consider how you can bring it in, highlighting their objectives. Make sure to hire a storyboard artist and professional if you want to optimize your brand story that fits your core business.

So, always compare life before and after using your product.

8. Editing your ecommerce product video 

It’s time to edit your clips to fulfill the requirements of individual platforms. For this, follow a straightforward customer journey during shooting and keep your target audiences in mind when editing.

So, be intentional when editing; because it’s not about deleting the bad bits, it’s all about selecting the best, engaging, and transition shots.

Note: Pay attention to social media platforms’ policies and regulations when editing your ecommerce video.

Final Verdict 

All online retailers are aware of showcasing and communicating their products in a creative way that can make or break a sale. So, investing in high-quality Ecommerce Product Videos has no barrier. 

Give your audiences what they want, eliminate their worries and watch your sales rise!

Good luck!

Author: Luis Ryan, Graphic Designer and Writer at Clipping Path Studio.


About the Author

Natasha Rei is the Digital Marketing Manager of Explainerd, an explainer video production agency. She ensures strategic goals are met by directing online and social media campaigns.

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