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How to Create Engaging Video Marketing Campaigns for Social Media

by Andre Oentoro Published 

Social media has become essential in your marketing strategy. It engages audiences, boosts brand visibility, turns visitors into customers, and builds your bottom line. Most online platforms are increasingly optimized for video content, making it the king of communication.

While the competition on social media gets fiercer, standing out in the crowd takes creativity, planning, and a whole new strategy. Take a look at some inspiration and tips for creating engaging video marketing campaigns.

What is Social Media Video Marketing?

Social media video marketing is about telling your story, showcasing your products, and engaging your audience using creative visuals. Its popularity boils down to people wanting to be entertained, and video delivers. 

Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through your social media and started watching video after video? It happens all the time, and it’s not a coincidence. Businesses, influencers, and savvy marketers are using carefully thought-out strategies to gain your interest, trust, and dollars using video marketing.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

Our brains are wired to process visuals so much faster than text, and when combined with movement, music, and dialogue, it’s a match made in social media heaven. Plus, everyone uses their mobile devices to navigate their day, and social media videos are perfect “bite-sized” storytelling snippets created for your mobile mini screen. 

Your customers prefer videos to written content for many reasons. Our attention spans are short. Video easily explains complex messages quicker and more effectively than other formats. 

Thanks to Instagram and TikTok, where video reels are the norm and fueling this trend, creating video content is now the most consumed and shared type of social media. Customers love it and expect it. You need it for your business success, too.

Social Media Algorithms Reward Video With Higher Engagement Rates

Social Media’s favorite child right now is video, and they are rewarding those who use it through their algorithms. Viewers enjoy videos and are more likely to share, like, comment, or click through to learn more on a website.

For instance, videos that are shared more often have higher visibility and are ranked higher in search engines. Brands investing in video content are rewarded with higher engagement, greater reach, and improved visibility. 

Video also boosts important search engine optimization (SEO) on platforms like YouTube, the world’s second-largest search engine, opening the door for your brand to tap into larger audiences.

How to Create Engaging Video Marketing Campaigns

Grab Your Audience’s Attention

The first step in your video journey is capturing people’s attention by understanding your audience and what makes them tick. Different demographics respond to different content. For example, younger audiences prefer short, snappy videos with fast-paced images, while older audiences enjoy more detailed, educational videos.

Create an avatar or a persona of your perfect customer and take time to research what social media they use, understand what content engages them, and use your results to create videos.

Create a Compelling Story

Storytelling is at the heart of a great video. Tell your tore to keep viewers engaged from start to finish. Make your story relevant, clear, and entertaining. Ideas are your brand’s history, customer success journey, and sharing behind the scenes of your product or service. This is an easy-to-follow video structure.

  • Start With A Hook: Grab your viewer’s attention or “hook” them in the first few seconds. Since viewers’ attention spans are short, engaging them will keep them watching.
  • Solve a Problem: Present a problem that your brand will easily solve. Highlight pinpoints that relate to your audience.
  • Show A Solution: Get to the point and demonstrate a clear solution.
  • Provide a Clear Call To Action: Always end your video with a loud and clear call to action (CTA) that tells them what to do. Whether learning more on your website, leaving a testimonial, subscribing to your email or channel, or making a purchase, a call to action always ends the video with a clear CTA.

Focus On Production: Lights. Camera, Action!

Today’s mobile devices are equipped with amazing cameras and video technology that include filters, lighting options, and editing tools. You don’t have to invest in professional video equipment. Still, it is important to have quality lighting, steady video, clear audio, and proper editing to keep your video and message polished and professional.

Optimize For Mobile Viewing

Most users access social media platforms from mobile devices. It’s very important to optimize videos for mobile viewing. Consider things like vertical formats, larger text, and readable fonts.

You should also create videos that can be understood without sound because scrolling through feeds while muted is common. Add subtitles and captions as one more layer to get your message out clearly.

Keep Videos Short and Sweet

Social media is a busy, crowded highway with hundreds of messages flowing every second. Successfully engage viewers by keeping messages short and sweet to keep them engaged from beginning to end. 

The sweet spot is usually under two minutes. For platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels, their ideal length is under 60 seconds, while others like YouTube are longer. Regardless, get to the point in an entertaining and informative way.

Benefit From User-Generated Content

Customer reviews and testimonials add trust and authenticity to your brand. User-generated content (UGC) like videos, photos, and testimonials created and shared on social media by them improves your credibility, especially if they’re using and enjoying your products.

Leverage Social Media Influencers

Influencers relevant to your brand can significantly expand your customer reach. They have loyal, established audiences who trust their opinions. A video featuring your products on their channels will drive more exposure to your brand so you can reach new, potential customers.

Use Analytics To Measure Success

Once you’ve created a video, take advantage of analytics to track its success. Most social media platforms offer in-depth metrics to track shares, views, likes, conversions, and other helpful information to help you with future video content.

Video Marketing Is Key To Engaging New Audiences

Video Marketing is key to increasing your visibility, gaining your customer’s trust, and boosting your business. Leverage social media platforms and other marketing channels to build awareness through videos.

The above tips are effective to start a video marketing journey on social media. As online platforms are highly dynamic, we always recommend you update and fine-tune your strategy according to the latest trends.

Author: Ashley Nielsen


About the Author

Natasha Rei is the Digital Marketing Manager of Explainerd, an explainer video production agency. She ensures strategic goals are met by directing online and social media campaigns.

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