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Print-on-Demand Video Marketing Trends: What’s Next for Your Business?

by Andre Oentoro Originally published   ·  Updated 

If you’re in the world of eCommerce with a print-on-demand (POD) model, digital marketing is the core of all your marketing efforts. But even if you sell the most unique and wanted products like Marvel Universe-themed custom socks or merchandise, with constantly changing SEO requirements and updates to Google’s algorithm, driving traffic to your POD store can be difficult. 

So what could help? Our answer- using video marketing

The video has remained one of the most dominant trends in digital marketing for years now, and it accounts for 80% of traffic on the internet worldwide with 92% of reach. In fact, video consumption isn’t the only metric that’s on the rise in 2023. A study found that more marketers now (96%) than at any time in the previous nine years consider video to be a crucial component of their strategy to market the products and enhance sales.

Therefore, inculcating a video marketing strategy can do wonders for your store! 

For developing a strong marketing strategy, businesses need to keep abreast of changing trends, experiment with them, and implement them with their social media campaigns to get the upper hand over their competition. Keep reading this article as we will look at the most promising trends of print-on-demand video marketing that might affect your company in the future.   

Print-on-Demand Video Marketing: Explained

Let’s define print-on-demand video marketing before we get into the latest developments in the industry. Print-on-demand describes a production strategy in which custom items are produced by online platforms, like Printify, only when ordered. This strategy is appealing to businesses of all sizes since it reduces or eliminates the need for investing in an inventory and managing it, and POD also makes offering unique products easier. 

Now let’s talk about video marketing, where marketers harness the power of video to advertise products and services of a business or spread brand awareness. Businesses may use the flexibility and efficiency of print-on-demand while also creating video content to promote their goods using this method. 

Therefore, Print-on-demand video marketing is the process of distributing and sharing videos online in order to raise awareness and educate customers about a print-on-demand business. Print-on-demand businesses may employ video marketing on a range of digital platforms, such as:

The fact that people prefer watching videos is one of the key factors in their importance in marketing. The number of Americans who watched digital videos in 2020, at 244.4 million, grew at a rate that was well above what analysts had expected for the previous year. And now, a recent survey showed a staggering 91% of customers expressed interest in seeing more and more video content online from well-known businesses.

Since consumers tend to pay more attention to videos, experts predict that the need for branded video content will continue to rise. People are more likely to fast-forward through sections of audio or textual content. To that end, using video content marketing to promote your print-on-demand business is definitely going to be a smart move.

Print-on-Demand in Video Marketing: Trends

Now that you understand what Print-on-demand video marketing is and how it can benefit your print-on-demand business, it’s time we discuss some popular trends that we’ve seen so far:

Short Videos Were Loved

The year 2022 was dominated by short-form and vertical videos like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. These brief videos deliver a narrative in a matter of seconds. The material is mostly user-generated, yet it does have a significant marketing utility. The most popular types of online videos include pranks, animal antics, and tutorials. The latter option may prove to be the most beneficial way to create promotional videos

As TikTok continues to expand, more and more prominent businesses and celebrities have established accounts, making it a hub for marketing more than ever. Additionally, with more than 5 trillion video views on YouTube Shorts, it’s clearly established itself as a trend. 

Stories on Social Media

The story format on social media platforms became a popular kind of informal video marketing tool. Snapchat created this style with its videos expiring after 24 hours. Social networking sites like Facebook, TikTok, and WhatsApp have all adopted their own takes on “stories” since Instagram popularized the format with its own app. 

The power of stories, like that of TikTok short videos, lies in their informality and simplicity. A dozen posts a day won’t overwhelm your followers but will provide you with more chances to engage with them. 

User-Generated Content 

Posting video content regularly can be difficult as there are a lot of elements involved in video production. Want a more effortless approach to making videos? Perhaps the answer you’re seeking might be found in user-generated content (UGC). 

In 2023, sharing user-generated content on social media channels became a key part of video marketing. User-generated content has a credibility score of 2.4 times that of brand-created content among consumers. Therefore, not only does UGC provide an endless supply of free content, but it also allows you to directly communicate with your audience, fostering a feeling of belonging among your followers. 

Shopping with Videos

The lines between content creation and eCommerce are blurring as a growing number of social media sites, such as Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram, allow customers to purchase from inside the app itself. This is a brilliant marketing strategy since it reduces the barrier to entry for prospective buyers to make a purchase. For example, a user may easily purchase a shirt that an influencer is wearing in a video by simply clicking the link embedded in the video itself.

Upcoming Trends 

All the above trends are going strong, and we’re sure that they’ll continue to thrive in the future. But here are some upcoming trends that you should keep in mind as you build your video marketing strategy for the next year:

Videos Will Stay Short

In the year 2023, consumers will continue to choose content that is concise and to the point. Since there’s no slowdown for Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts, they are indicators that customers will continue looking for shorter, more entertaining content from their favorite businesses.

With micro-stories, businesses can reach more people with short content while connecting with consumers where they currently spend time. Brands need to captivate viewers within the initial three seconds when the video starts in order to gain the most benefits and capitalize on consumers’ ever-shorter attention spans.

Connect With Live Videos 

Nearly all social networking sites now provide live video broadcasting, and among users aged 18 to 34, 63% regularly tune in to such broadcasts. Viewers are ready to watch live videos for much longer durations, frequently as a sort of backdrop entertainment. 

A lot of live streams allow users to ask questions and leave comments, and you can answer them directly in the video. It’s a great way to connect with your audience and speak with them directly. There are a lot of ways to use live videos in video marketing strategy, such as:

  • Hosting a Q/A
  • Giving a BTS sneak peek
  • Unboxing videos
  • Product launch videos
  • Tutorials, etc.

Get Futuristic With AR/VR 

The year 2023 will be a watershed moment for the virtual and augmented reality industries. Yes, these innovations have been there for quite some time, but they have been quietly seeping into our everyday lives via mediums like Snapchat filters. We expect content creators to have easier access to them, and consumers will exhibit increased enthusiasm for content that is interactive. We recommend maintaining a watchful eye on newly developed technologies to see which ones could be beneficial to you.

The range of virtual experiences possible with augmented and virtual reality technologies is vast, but most of them center on making products more easily accessible or giving customers a chance to check them out before they purchase. Consider the use of AR and VR for virtual presentations and tours in the real estate market.

What is Coming Next?

Print-on-demand video marketing has tremendous potential moving forward. We expect Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to become more integrated as tech develops, allowing for greater ease of content creation and better user experiences. To improve the shopping experience, you may consider videos of AI-driven recommendation engines that may provide personalized product suggestions based on individual consumers’ data.


If you’re an emerging POD business working with modest finances, 2023 is your chance to make a splash with a solid video marketing strategy. You need to keep up with the times by adopting the forthcoming trends in this industry, especially as technology advances.

Your company may reach new heights of consumer engagement, confidence in the brand, and success by embracing interactive components, new video formats, and technological advances.

Since 91% of organizations already utilize video as a marketing tool, video marketing will continue to remain under the spotlight this year, just like the years before.

Almost 92% of marketers report a favorable ROI using video marketing, so maybe even you should get serious about a video marketing plan this year if you haven’t before. 

Author: Linda Gagaine, Outreach & Link Building Specialist at Printify


About the Author

Natasha Rei is the Digital Marketing Manager of Explainerd, an explainer video production agency. She ensures strategic goals are met by directing online and social media campaigns.

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